Middle School

The middle school experience offers students opportunities to learn and grow in an inclusive, safe, and nurturing environment. Throughout their three years in middle school, students need support, encouragement, guidance, and inspiration as they transition from childhood and embark on the path to becoming adults ready for life in the 21st Century. We prioritize the development of strong, supportive relationships among students, staff, and the broader community. These connections form the foundation for a positive and collaborative learning environment.

The school day is organized around educating the whole child. While we value the importance of excellence in the core academic areas of study, we place a strong emphasis on the social and emotional well-being of each child. We also recognize the significance of being physically active, fostering creativity through the arts, engaging in a foreign language, and exploration to discover their interests and foster self-discovery.

Both grade-level and content-based teams meet regularly. Team members collaborate to meet the needs of every student by providing opportunities for quality core instruction, enrichment, and academic support. However, the teams' responsibilities do not end with academic achievement. Teams are also responsible for helping students take on greater levels of personal responsibility each year, providing behavioral support, and facilitating social and emotional learning. Examples include managing their time effectively, organizing assignments, completing classwork and homework, abiding by school rules, developing independence, and setting personal goals.